
本文实例讲述了PHP设计模式之模板方法模式定义与用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 什么是模板方法模式 模板方法(Template Method)设计模式中使用了一个类方法templateMethod(), 该方法是抽象类中的一个具体方法, 这个方法的作用是对抽象方法序列排序,具体实现留给具体


本文实例讲述了PHP面向对象五大原则之开放-封闭原则(OCP)。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1. 什么是“开放-封闭” 随着软件系统规模的不断增大,软件系统的维护和修改的复杂性不断提高,这种困境促使法国工程院士Bertrand Meyer在1998年提出了“开放-封闭

OpenCV Python – How to compute and plot the histogram of a region of an image?

In OpenCV, We use the cv2.calcHist() function to compute the histogram of an image. We can use this function to compute the histogram of a region of the image. To compute a histogram of a region in the image first we define a mask. The white color in the

How to compare histograms of two images using OpenCV Python?
How to compare histograms of two images using OpenCV Python?

The histograms of two images can be compared using cv2.compareHist() function. The cv2.compareHist()


如何把[1, 5, 6, [2, 7, [3, [4, 5, 6]]]]变成[1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6]? 思考:   -- for循环每次都遍历列表一层     -- 把取出的单个值加入到新的列表中     -- 把取出来的嵌套列表变成新的遍历列表,就需要在for循环外嵌套一个while循环   -- 当取到最里面

Python Unittest自动化单元测试框架详解

本文实例为大家分享了Python Unittest自动化单元测试框架的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 1、python 测试框架(本文只涉及 PyUnit) 参考地址 2、环境准备 首先确定已经安装有Python,之后通过安装PyUnit,Python版本比较新的已经集成有PyUnit(PyUnit 提供了一个图形测试

Which programming language is better for writing Selenium web driver scripts, Py
Which programming language is better for writing Selenium web driver scripts, Py

In this article, we will learn which programming language is better for writing Selenium web driver

What are some large projects that have been done in Python?

In this article, we will learn about some large projects that h**e been done in Python. Python is currently one of the most popular programming languages. This trend appears to be set to continue in 2022 and beyond. So, if you're just starting with Python

In Python, what is NumPy? How is it used?
In Python, what is NumPy? How is it used?

In this article, we will learn about NumPy in python and how is it used in various applications. Wha

Is Python a programming language or simply a scripting language?

In this article, we will learn whether Python programming or simply a scripting language and what is a scripting language and the differences between scripting and a programming language. Guido Van Rossum developed Python, one of the most well-known progr


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